Underhand Serve
Things to do
- Stand facing the net with the foot opposite the hitting hand forward.
- The ball is held at waist level.
- Lean forward as you swing your arm forward quickly and contact the ball.
- The player hits underneath the ball with the fist or heel of the hand.
- The hitting arm follows through in the direction of the target.
Things to avoid
- Ball toss
- Hand holding the ball swinging up as you swing at the ball
Overhand Serve
Things to do
- Ready Stance
- Stand facing the net with the foot opposite the hitting hand forward.
- The ball is held at waist level.
- Bow And Arrow
- Elbow and hand are at shoulder height or above throughout the entire serving motion.
- Consistent Toss
- With firm wrist, toss the ball 18 inches above head – so that the ball falls to the spot just inside of the lead foot and in line with the hitting shoulder.
- Shift
- Shift weight to lead foot, or step forward, as you hit the ball
- Swing Fast to target
- Wrist firm throughout serve
- Contact with heel of hand through middle back of ball
- The contact should sound like a “thud”, not a “slap” sound
- Hand follows ball to target.
- Finish with hand alongside or within body line.
Things to avoid
- Extra motions
- High ball toss