Team Movement and Rotation

Things to Know

  • Rotations
    • 4-2 international
      • 4 hitters and 2 designated setters
      • Setters come from the front row
      • Setter sets from the front right
      • hitters hit on the strong side (left) and middle
    • 6-2
      • everyone is a hitter with 2 players also being setters
      • Setters come from the back row
      • Setter sets from the front right
      • hitters hit on the strong side (left), middle, and opposite (right)
    • 5-1
      • 5 hitters and 1 all-time setter
      • like a 4-2 international if designated setter is in the front row
      • like a 6-2 if designated setter is in the back row
    • who is in front of you and who is beside you
    • where you need to start and where you need to end up
  • Team Defense
    • Where to be on hits from each spot on the net

Things to do

  • Constantly Communicate
    • Mine
    • In – Out
    • Call for the Set (numbers or positions)
    • Tip – Free
    • Float – Topspin – Jump
    • Block
  • Constantly Move (Ebb and Flow)
  • Anticipate
    • what does it look like they will do with the ball?
    • where do you think it will go?
    • where are the open spots?

Things to avoid

  • Not knowing the rotations completely
  • Becoming a spectator